Contact us
Please Note: We are currently experiencing some issues with answering customer phone calls. We're doing everything we can to resolve the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, please access your account or find further information on our products and services through this website.
Secure message
If you're an existing customer, log in to your account and send us a secure message. We’ll aim to provide a response within 2 working days.
Forgotten login details?
If you’ve forgotten your password or your user ID, we can get you back online in minutes. Simply click ‘Forgotten your password?’ or ‘Forgotten your user ID?’ when you visit the login page and follow the instructions on screen.
If you’re looking for a particular product, please be aware that we offer limited edition accounts and so if you don’t see the one for you, come back to our website another time. If you’re an existing customer, you can login and view all of our accounts and apply in a few easy steps.
For anything else, you may find the answer within our FAQ section.
Call us on 0800 032 9999.
If you’re calling from outside the UK please contact us on +44 330 123 1111.
The international number is charged at your telephone provider's international call rates.
We're open from:
If you're not an existing customer you can contact us by emailing [email protected]
As email isn't a secure channel, please don't include any personal details in any messages you send.
If you'd like to write to us, or need to send extra information, please use the following address:
Charter Savings Bank
PO Box 855
NE28 5BL
Supporting you through Brexit
We are continuing to monitor any impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and what this may mean for our customers. If we do need to make changes to our products or the way we service any of our non-UK resident customers, we’ll be sure to contact you and give you as much notice as possible. For updates on the latest changes, visit and read ‘What happens if I move abroad?’ in the 'Operating your account’ section.
If you wish to make a complaint, please visit this page for more details.
Media contacts
For queries relating to pictures or logos for press, please contact [email protected].
Charter Savings Bank and Davies
We’ve partnered with Davies so that we can get real time feedback when you’re carrying out your savings transactions. Your opinions matter and so we may send you a survey from time to time to understand how you feel about our service. This will come from [email protected] so when you see it, please let us know how we’re doing.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of Charter Savings Bank are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK’s deposit protection scheme. Any deposits you hold above the limit are unlikely to be covered. Please click here for further information or visit